2 results for tag: case for support
In Focus: Storytelling using media (Edinburgh)
This hands-on practical session will allow you to identify your key messages and present them using media. This particular workshop will focus on using video as a medium for storytelling.
You will learn basic practical skills in:
Presenting to camera
Sound recording
Audio-visual editing
Identifying and presenting your key messages in an appealing and visual way can support your fundraising efforts and help you to effectively communicate the value of the work that you/your organisation does as well as the value of heritage more widely.
You will have the opportunity to share your ideas and experiences and to ...
Fundraising: Make it Happen (St Andrews)
This one-day course will raise awareness of the various funding sources available to heritage organisations and projects. It will help you target the private sources of funding best suited to the work you want to do and outline the best practice methods of approach.
The training covers:
– Individual Giving
– Developing your Case for Support
– The Seven Steps of fundraising
– Making the Ask
– How to say ‘Thank you’
– A look at resources, tools and techniques
Together we will spend some time sharing experiences and concerns and discuss possible solutions within facilitated networking sessions.
Lunch and refresh...