Celebrating Orkney’s Heritage
Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage delivered two full-day fundraising training sessions to groups and organisations on Orkney last week.
The visit was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate all of the great heritage projects taking place across the islands with participants attending from the Island of Hoy Development Trust, Orkney Council, the Scapa Flow Visitor Centre & Museum, the Sanday Development Trust, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, the Orkney Archaeological Society, the Papay Development Trust, the John Rae Society and the Westray Development Trust.
There was even time to visit some of the heritage sites and venues, including a trip across to Hoy where the Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage team were welcomed by Jude at the Scapa Flow Visitor Centre & Museum as well as Steve of the Island of Hoy Development Trust who provided a quick tour of some of the key sites.
Our sincere thanks go to all who supported the trip and made us feel so very welcome!